Data Collection and Management: The Pulse of GardenPi

With the hardware and database setup, now we can write the scripts which will populate everything and set them on a cron job timer to bring the system to life.

How it is organized

There are 3 scripts which power the data loading and processing:

  • - Inserts records into fields of the sensorMeasurement table

  • - Inserts records into fields of the sensorWatering table

  • - Inserts records into fields of the sensorMoved table

All 3 scripts are on a Linux cron job (job scheduler) set to run every 15 minutes to update the tables accordingly.

step 1: create the scripts

Using VSCode in your PC, you will want to create a new text document for each of the following scripts:

# import packages
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import datetime
import spidev
import bme280
import smbus2
import MySQLdb

### variables
# sensor variables
spi = spidev.SpiDev(), 0)
spi.max_speed_hz = 1000000

# BME280 sensor variables
port = 1
address = 0x76
bus = smbus2.SMBus(port)

# GPIO setup
GPIO.setup(4, GPIO.IN)  # Light sensor

# DB access setup
db_config = {
    'host': 'localhost',
    'user': 'exampleuser',  # change these 
    'password': 'password',  
    'database': 'SensorDataDB',

# database insert query
add_measurement = (
    "INSERT INTO sensorMeasurements (timestamp, sensorOI, sensorRead)"
    "VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"

# moisture sensor function
def readData(channel):
    adc = spi.xfer2([1, (8 + channel) << 4, 0])
    data = ((adc[1] & 3) << 8) + adc[2]
    return data

# Main function
    # Connect to the database
    conn = MySQLdb.connect(**db_config)
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    timestamp =

    # Read measurements from BME280
    calibration_params = bme280.load_calibration_params(bus, address)
    bmeData = bme280.sample(bus, address, calibration_params)
    humidity = bmeData.humidity
    temperature = bmeData.temperature
    pressure = bmeData.pressure

# Read light sensor value
    light_value = GPIO.input(4)  # Read light sensor input

# Insert sensor measurements, excluding OI as it's auto-incrementing
    sensor_ois = [5, 6, 7, 8]  # BME280 and Light sensor OI values
    sensor_reads = [temperature, pressure,humidity, light_value]
    for sensor_oi, sensor_read in zip(sensor_ois, sensor_reads):
        cursor.execute(add_measurement, (timestamp, sensor_oi, sensor_read))  # Using timestamp directly

    # Insert moisture readings for each sensor, using datetime format
    sensor_ois = [1, 2, 3, 4]  # Moisture sensor OI values
    sensor_reads = [readData(0), readData(1), readData(2), readData(3)]
    for sensor_oi, sensor_read in zip(sensor_ois, sensor_reads):
        cursor.execute(add_measurement, (timestamp, sensor_oi, sensor_read))



import MySQLdb
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Database credentials
db_config = {
    'host': 'localhost',
    'user': 'exampleuser', #change this
    'password': 'password',
    'database': 'SensorDataDB'

# Modifiable threshold variable
threshold_percentage = 0.10  # Change this value as needed

# Connect to the database
db = MySQLdb.connect(**db_config)
cursor = db.cursor()

# Get moisture sensor IDs
cursor.execute("SELECT sensorOI FROM sensorData WHERE sensorType = 'Moisture'")
moisture_sensor_ids = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]

# Calculate the date 7 days ago
seven_days_ago = - timedelta(days=7)

for sensor_id in moisture_sensor_ids:
    # Get moisture readings for the sensor from the last 7 days
    cursor.execute("SELECT timestamp, sensorRead FROM sensorMeasurements WHERE sensorOI = %s AND timestamp >= %s ORDER BY timestamp", (sensor_id, seven_days_ago))
    readings = cursor.fetchall()

    # Check for moisture drop > threshold percentage
    for i in range(1, len(readings)):
        current_value = readings[i][1]
        previous_value = readings[i - 1][1]
        if previous_value * (1 - threshold_percentage) > current_value:
            # Check if this drop is already recorded
            cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM sensorWatering WHERE sensorOI = %s AND datetime = %s", (sensor_id, readings[i][0]))
            if cursor.fetchone() is None:
                perc_drop = 100 * (previous_value - current_value) / previous_value

                # Populate sensorWatering table
                insert_query = """
                    INSERT INTO sensorWatering (datetime, sensorOI, preValue, postValue, percDrop)
                    VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
                cursor.execute(insert_query, (readings[i][0], sensor_id, previous_value, current_value, perc_drop))

# Close database connection

import MySQLdb
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Database credentials
db_config = {
    'host': 'localhost',
    'user': 'exampleuser',
    'password': 'password',
    'database': 'SensorDataDB'

# Modifiable threshold variable for increase
threshold_percentage = 0.10  # Change this value as needed to reflect desired increase

# Connect to the database
db = MySQLdb.connect(**db_config)
cursor = db.cursor()

# Get moisture sensor IDs
cursor.execute("SELECT sensorOI FROM sensorData WHERE sensorType = 'Moisture'")
moisture_sensor_ids = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]

# Calculate the date 7 days ago
seven_days_ago = - timedelta(days=14)

for sensor_id in moisture_sensor_ids:
    # Get moisture readings for the sensor from the last 14 days
    cursor.execute("SELECT timestamp, sensorRead FROM sensorMeasurements WHERE sensorOI = %s AND timestamp >= %s ORDER BY timestamp", (sensor_id, seven_days_ago))
    readings = cursor.fetchall()

    # Check for moisture increase > threshold percentage
    for i in range(1, len(readings)):
        current_value = readings[i][1]
        previous_value = readings[i - 1][1]
        if previous_value * (1 + threshold_percentage) < current_value:
            # Check if this increase is already recorded in sensorMoved
            cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM sensorMoved WHERE sensorOI = %s AND datetime = %s", (sensor_id, readings[i][0]))
            if cursor.fetchone() is None:
                perc_incr = 100 * (current_value - previous_value) / previous_value

                # Update sensorMoved table to reflect the increase
                insert_query = """
                    INSERT INTO sensorMoved (datetime, sensorOI, preValue, postValue, percIncr)
                    VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
                cursor.execute(insert_query, (readings[i][0], sensor_id, previous_value, current_value, perc_incr))

# Close database connection

Each of these scripts should be saved off as a .py file and moved via WinSCP to the Raspberry Pi in a folder ready for use

step 2: modify the cron job

Before the scheduler will use the python scripts, it needs to know where they are and when to run them. Using terminal, enter the following command to access the cron file:

sudo crontab -e

You are now in VIM in the terminal which has a weird key control setup in my opinion, so be careful what you press. Text from the cron job file will appear and you will need to press the down key to go to the bottom to add the following rows of text:

*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/
*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/
*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/

With the above copy/pasted into the bottom of the cron job document, you will want to Save by hitting Ctrl-O and Return then Ctrl-X and Return to get back to the main terminal. With these changes, you will want to ensure your cron job is set up correctly, you can list your cron jobs with the following command in terminal:

sudo crontab -l

If the 3 python scripts show up, you are good to go and they should run at the next quarter hour. This is a huge accomplishment if you have come this far successfully. Congrats!

At this point you can query the database via terminal MySQL to see the data that has loaded, but it would be much easier to have a local website with a graph, wouldn’t it?

Next we will setup a very simple website to visualize the collected data for Exploratory Data Analysis.


Exploratory Data Analysis: Visualizing Sensor Insights


Database Schema and Setup: The Backbone of GardenPi